Sunday, December 02, 2007


We had one of those pretty snowfalls this morning, covering everything in fluff and causing the little Toyota I was in to drift gently sideways down a hill... Yes, lovely. Today found us at St. Paul's parish in Princeton, NJ for our third concert of the season (and, in fact, the third we've had at St. Paul's). A little past the halfway mark, I saw Lisa coming up the side aisle! I know she had a full schedule today, so it was especially nice of her to make the extra trip to Princeton even knowing she would miss a good part of the music. After, I snagged Sr. Bernadette to get a picture--right before the camera's battery died!
Yesterday we were at St. Malachy's, called "The Actors' Chapel" because it is right off Broadway. There we had a small audience--maybe 100 or 125 people. Afterwards, a couple approached me, programs in hand. I had dedicated the concert to "Jane and Jim" and they wanted to know the story. Well, the story begins, really, with Hurricane Katrina. Turns out that this couple and their five children had all lived in the Lakeview area of New Orleans, and all had lost their homes. They had a business that took them to New York frequently, so when they suddenly found themselves relieved of their earthly goods (even their retirement place in Mississippi!), they figured it was as good a time as any for a New York experience, so they are living in Manhattan and loving it. The wife commented, "There's something liberating about losing all your stuff: you're free, in a way." Not many people would choose to be divested of so much all at once, but look how many people have managed to come through it. You never know how much you can handle until it comes upon you, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

Agreed, and thank God we do not know in advance all we will have to handle. Amen?

nate said...

Great story--I think I needed to hear it today. I love this blog.