Sunday, January 07, 2007

Into the Conclave...

Well, it's not as solemn as a conclave, but we will be effectively incommunicado for a week, since the schedule is full and the retreat house has only one (dial-up) modem line!
We continue to need and request your prayers, so I ask you to visit this post daily to offer this little intercessory oration:
Heavenly Father,
You invite your people to look at your beloved Son and to listen to him. Grant that the Daughters of St. Paul, gathered in chapter this week, might truly set their eyes on Jesus and understand the direction the Spirit is leading them for their life as disciples and apostles of communications. Dispel any resistance or blindness so that only your Word is made manifest to them and through them, through the same Word, Christ Jesus Our Lord. Amen. 


Lisa said...

What a beautiful prayer! I shall pray it daily during this time of chapter for you, the Sisters, and the important work of these proceedings.

Anonymous said...

offering up that daily prayer for all of the "conclavers."..May the Holy Spirit guide them.