Saturday, January 12, 2013

Looking for a Song to Sing...

Sister Bridge in the studio, waiting for your song nominations.
If you like music, and there's a song (or two) that you keep waiting for the Daughters of St Paul choir to record, get thee to our Facebook page (see sidebar) and suggest it.  (I'm presuming that you already "like" us...)

Once you're on Facebook, share your idea with your own friends and invite them to weigh in on the choir page. If we record your pick, you get the album free! 

I'm scheduled for that summer recording session, so I beg of you: please nominate some really good songs. You'll find the criteria and other details on the Choir's Facebook page.

(I'll be in Boston through Jan. 21 for community meetings that won't give me time for blogging. Please pray to the Holy Spirit that our work be conducted entirely under the divine guidance!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hasn't that always been the procedure?