Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Princess of Pinterest

One of the great things about "choir season" is spending two weeks catching up with my convent friends who are stationed in other parts of the country. One of these is Sister Julia. We have been friends since we met at a discernment retreat the summer I graduated from high school.

Not only did we end up in postulancy and novitiate together, we have a lot in common: we are both singers (Sr Julia's dad was a singer in the Metropolitan  Opera); both love to read; both love to cook. (And we even have New Orleans in common, now that Sr Julia has been stationed in my hometown for 12 years!)

But Sister Julia has artistic talents that range from making exquisite rosaries to illustrating children's books. And Sister Julia is a lot more "frilly" than I am. (Making the nickname "Princess," which her Dad gave his firstborn,more than appropriate.)

Well, Sister Julia's range of talents makes her the perfect person for you to follow on Pinterest. She has collected a mass of visual treasures, curated with her own excellent taste.

Here are some of the titles of her boards:
  • Favorite People (saints and heroes like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Etty Hillesum and Flannery O'Connor)
  • Puppies and other cuties
  • Favorite Quotes (this is Sr Julia's specialty; she's been collecting quotes since novitiate, and now people are offering them curated on the Internet, complete with graphic design!)
  • Feed me.
  • Sister Julia's Bookshelf (the books she has)
  • Books (the ones she wants to read)
  • If I had a house...
  • The One whom my heart loves (Jesus pictures!)
  • Beautiful religious Art
  • Places to go (in spirit if not in the flesh!)
  • Great photos
So if you are already on Pinterest, take my recommendation and follow Sister Julia's pins. You can thank me later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing, but have you ever met a Daughter of St. Paul who was not