Friday, December 23, 2011

Midnight Mass and the Roman Missal

It's coming! Tomorrow night! Another opportunity for your not-so-liturgically-aware relatives to be introduced to the new Roman Missal!
For many people, Christmas "Midnight Mass" remains a tradition they'd never think of departing from, even though other forms of religious observance don't have a place in their calendar. That means that tomorrow night they will have their first experience of the changes in the Mass translation--starting with that opening "and with your Spirit." As I've written before, this could shake people up to the extent that they feel definitively alienated from the Church's life (and not just blasé).
We have a day and a half to prepare them.
Does your extended family have a "together at Midnight Mass" tradition?
Have your not-so-practicing relatives heard about the Mass changes yet?
What do you recommend as a non-preachy way of alerting Christmas/Easter Catholics to the changes they can expect this year?

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