Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Happy St. Joseph's Day! May the head of the Holy Family provide for your needs, sell your house...  in a word, provide for your needs, both material and (above all) spiritual.
It's also the Holy Father's "name day" (his baptismal name is Joseph), so here's a prayer to St. Joseph, patron of the Church, adapted by one by our Founder:
St. Joseph, protector of the universal Church,
look kindly upon the Pope, the bishops, the clergy, the religious and laity. Pray for the sanctification of all.
The Church is the fruit of the blood of Jesus, your foster Son. We entrust to you our prayers for the spread of the Church, for her freedom, for her unity.  Defend her from errors, from evil and from the powers of hell as you once saved the threatened life of Jesus from the hands of Herod.
May the desire of Jesus come true: "That there be one fold under one shepherd."

And on to the tidbits:

This is encouraging! Our mission, seen (and lauded) by someone outside the community...

I'll be "outside" today, myself giving my third talk at St. Paul's Parish in Joliet after the 4:30 Mass. Tonight's topic: the Eucharistic Prayer. Then on Monday, it's back to Milwaukee (St. Josaphat's Basilica) for my second talk in the series on the Mass.

How is your parish preparing for the new Roman Missal? I heard of a family from one midwestern diocese (which shall go unnamed) where members working in parish and diocesan offices didn't have a clue that something new was coming. Has that been the case for you?


Unknown said...


Today is a great day for today is St. Joseph's feast day. St. Joseph holds a special place in my heart for in 2009 I was preparing myself to be baptized and recieved into the Roman Catholic Church, I was dealing with many nightmares it was until my intercession to St. Joseph that my nightmares had left me. He has become a foster-father to this child of God.

I believe my parish is preparing very well for the new Roman Missal. Actually the Bishop of our diocese has been going to around giving group talks of the new changes. Plus, my parish has been informing us over and over again about the changes coming. But, then again I am in a parish where Dominican Friars reside and they love to have mass with the majority of it in latin. :)

God Bless,

Sister Anne said...

Sounds like your diocese is off to a great start!