Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japan update

We've been able to get news from our sisters in Sendai, Japan, whose lives were so drastically disrupted by the earthquake last week. The sisters (all of advanced age) are safe, and they still have a place to live, although it is a shambles. (They live uphill, so the tsunami did not reach them.) They and their neighbors are sharing the rice and canned food they have on hand. The Sendai book center is a wreck, but that didn't stop one of the sisters from going down and attempting to establish some order in the place! (Having something to do is almost a necessity in a time of chaos.)
The Pauline website has two video prayer services, and downloadable resources for prayer and for helping children face disaster; these can be found on the page with the news.
Until March 25, PBM is offering the Healing Psalms and Prayers app for free.  Visit the iTunes app store  to download. If the app brings you peace, kindly consider posting a review in the iTunes store.
To help the sisters in Sendai, click here.

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