Saturday, August 07, 2010

From the CNMC

I'm at the Catholic New Media Celebration in Boston, surrounded by prominent Catholic podcasters and bloggers (including Cardinal O'Malley, who will be addressing us in a few minutes). Ironically, that means it's harder for me to actually post anything thoughtful! Even the pictures are pretty well locked in my camera... Hopefully, I'll have time on Monday to offer a well pondered reflection on the role of Catholics in social media. And then Tuesday we begin recording the next album. (You do follow the Daughters of St. Paul choir on Facebook, right?)


Horan Paypah said...

You said so many thoughtful things to the bloggers and podcasters there. Your written audience can wait. You're awesome in person! So excited to put you in the new "6 Degrees" blog.

Lots of prayers and love to you, the cheery nun with a blog!

Sister Anne said...

Thanks so much; it was fun, wasn't it?