Monday, August 09, 2010

Bl. James quotes for bloggers

At the CNMC blogger's panel, I shared something our founder had written in 1926; several of the participants really liked the quote, so here it is with a few other gems. For more about Blessed James and his media apostolate, watch the trailer.

“The world needs a new, prolonged and profound evangelization…. Adequate means are necessary, along with souls on fire with faith. No other means is as adequate for providing this except the press, and no other apostles use it as ardently as young people…. New missionaries are necessary! New missionaries for this new and fruitful apostolate!”

More good quotes from Alberione:
“The Pauline writer is in a special position inasmuch as he is a preacher, not with spoken words, but with paper and film. A preacher must always ask himself two questions, and the writer must do likewise in his/her own field. The first question is: who is it I am addressing?.... It is not enough for you to do your spiritual reading for yourself alone. … What truths do you want to communicate? Pray for all our readers, to have the grace of understanding their needs and finding the way to their hearts.”

“The Daughter of St. Paul should never have to ask herself what to write about when the world is starving for the crumbs of what she knows.”

And when he prayed:
"We thank you, Lord, for having given us the most ingenious, most rapid and fruitful means of communication."
(We have a whole list of prayers he wrote for the media!)

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