Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The core of Revelation

Today's first reading says the same thing about four different ways, but it all comes down to the central statement, "God is love." Love is who God is, and therefore what divine life is all about.
I was reflecting that if we really witnessed to this in our lives, evangelization would be accomplished. There would be none of that empty, sophisticated atheism that pretends to be sheer logic: logic itself would be transcended, along with all the laws, conditions and expectations that we humans tend to think must apply to God. Not that there would be no room for human reason, but that the proof for the existence of God would be manifest to reason itself in the love manifested in the transformed lives of believers. In somewhat the same way, the witness of self-emptying love would remove the sense of scandal that arises in the face of evil, because the image of love would be so much more powerful and impressive that the evidence for love would outweigh everything else.

1 comment:

Ruth Ann Pilney said...

This part is inspired, Sister: "...the proof for the existence of God would be manifest to reason itself in the love manifested in the transformed lives of believers." This is the perfect answer for the demand for proof that atheists demand.

Now, let's get "busy" and be transformed!