Monday, August 24, 2009

Fig Tree time

It's that marvelous Gospel of the call of Nathanael, whom Jesus saw under the fig tree before Philip even told Nathanael about the Lord. Obviously, Nathanael had some kind of encounter with the Lord in that shady place of prayer, because when Jesus alluded to the fig tree, Nathanael of Cana was won over. For life. And for death, which tradition came says in a particularly gruesome manner for the Apostle also known as Bartholomew. (No, you don't really want to know.)
I still have some fig tree time left after a day with a few unexpected encounters with, among other things, a shuttered produce store I went out of my way to go to. (By way of fresh vegetables, we were down to one bag of carrots in the fridge today, a problem that has since been resolved.) I came home with my hem ripped out, too, but I am not going to bring my sewing kit to my place under the fig tree. (The lighting's no good for that, anyway.)

Re: the header, I'll give readers until Friday to weigh in. So far it looks as though the elegant blue design is the favorite...

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