Friday, April 11, 2008

Purity: the New Cool?

Someone noticed that there's a movement afoot by young adults: a purity movement that is both brilliant and bold. And located in some of our nation's leading universities... The Princeton group says of itself: "This group also aims to provide a support network for a minority group of students - those with commitments to living a chaste life and with commitments to a pro-woman, pro-motherhood feminism."
Here's the article from New York Times Magazine, courtesy of Sr. Helena, and here are the groups' sites:
True Love Revolution (Harvard)
The Anscombe Society (Princeton)
The Anscombe Society (MIT)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not think that I have ever been "cool" in my life. Perhaps after many decades, is it possible that I could qualify for "New cool", or is it too late?