Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's custom

To continue what I wrote earlier about our convent Christmas traditions... We are still in the Christmas season, of course, and one of our traditions at the octave of Christmas (one we have in common with many communities) is to make a year-end retreat day, closing with Eucharistic Adoration. For us, this has a special significance, since it was during adoration on New Year's Eve, 1900, that our Founder experienced the call from God "Come to Me, All of You," recognizing it as an apostolic mission for the new century. And now for our new century.
Blessings on your New Year!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I think this is a most beautiful custom. I wish that more churches kept their doors open on New Year's Eve to allow the faithful and those who seek to welcome the new year in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Perhaps something I can work on for next year...