Friday, December 29, 2006


Today's Gospel kind of came true for me today, a few times and in a few different ways. It's nothing I can write about now, though. Always a matter of keeping ourselves available to the unusual indications of the Spirit.
Went to adoration at St. Peter's and stayed for the 5 pm Mass. The first two pews had been reserved--rather unusual. Then they began filling up: men and boys in tuxedos, women and girls in formal attire. I leaned over to the woman next to me in a back pew. I was sure a wedding was going to be celebrated. Well, I was right, only it was a wedding that had taken place 30 years ago that was being celebrated with Mass and the renewal of vows. What a wonderful witness to us in the pews and to the 50 friends and relatives of that faithful couple! May the Lord bless them ever more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow a Nun Blog! I've been searching through blogspot looking for fellow Catholic bloggers. I never imagined I'd find a Daughter of Saint Paul!

Hello Sister!! Merry Christmas!

My blog is: