Saturday, April 02, 2005

Photo attempt

The day before I left Italy in 2001, the Central Committee for the Jubilee had an audience and "baciamano" with the Holy Father in the Sala Clementina. As you can imagine, it is a treasured memory! As we left the Sala, we were each given a copy of "Put out into the Deep" (Duc in Altum) (in Italian...).


Anonymous said...

The powerful grace of Love and glory, flocked among us, searchers of hopes and trust...Now we see, now we felt the magical beauty of the Holy Spirit that lives among us, for we know, we know who loves us most. John Pope Paul II, peace are among. We thank you for the time that we will hold eternally in heart.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sister Anne!
I'm very new to blogging, so I'm not sure if this is correct or not. I was surprised to see a blog from a daughter of st. paul! (although i guess i shouldn't since you guys are all about communication technology)
i was raised catholic...indeed, even wanted to be a nun as a teenager for about 6 years (visited with the daughters of st paul in staten island several times in the 80's)
i haven't been catholic for many years now. as an out lesbian raising a family and tending to the needs of my own community, the rules and doctrine of the church kind of go against my grain in many respects. when i heard about the pope's death, i was taken back to a time in my life when he first was elected...what an exciting time this was! waiting and speculating...watching for that white smoke to come out of the sistine chapel!
although i disagree with and find many of the pope's teachings and comments hurtful and wrong, i can also acknowledge the marvelous things he has done for the he always cared deeply for youth, the poor, the oppressed. Indeed, in many ways he was the hero of the politically downtrodden. in other ways, he was my own (and lots of other people's) oppressor. Such are the complexities of a pope in the modern age!
anyhow, just thought i'd leave a note, since i saw your blog and haven't really thought about the daughters of st paul in a long time!
Peace, sister!