Thursday, April 04, 2024

I've been silent. There's a reason.

Granted, it was Lent. And I have a host of deadlines to meet. And then, just two weeks ago, a close family member was diagnosed with cancer. One of those cancers that doesn't have symptoms until it reaches a nasty stage. And boy did it get nasty fast. Still, the surgeon was optimistic that it had not advanced too, too far.

The day of the diagnosis, the pastor made a house call for Anointing of the Sick. I brought Communion on Easter. The surgery was on Easter Tuesday. They got most of it, but some areas had to be left for chemo (and prayer) to handle.

Do you remember that before Lent I invited you to join our online book study? The final session was last night. The book was Finding God in Suffering. And while my relative has been suffering in one way, I have been suffering in another: being unable to "do something" to either make the problem go away or at least make things better. But even that suffering can be "commended into the hands" of the Heavenly Father in union with Jesus for a multitude of special intentions. 

So if you have some suffering (or some powerlessness) to bear, I am right there with you. Don't let a bit of it go to waste! Even the annoyance, the time "lost," the boredom, can be valuable: you are part of the Body of Christ, so everything that is yours is also His: his experience of annoyance, of delays, of waiting... Fill them with special intentions for the needs of the world; for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; for an increase of vocations; in reparation for the evils being multiplied because people with unimaginably corrupt minds and hearts are targeting the vulnerable... Let your heart go wild. There is infinite value in your hands, because your hands are His, and when the Father looks at you, He sees (and hears) the Son.

And if you need any specific intentions, just message me! I have pages of them!!!


Anonymous said...

My name is Luke S. And I have a question. I have autism/Asperger’s and I’ve had some unexplainable spiritual experiences with a spirit. I don’t know if this spirit is my guardian angel but I have a feeling it might be but I have a few questions:
1. Can my guardian Angel share a soul or spirit or essence with me so that we’re never separated and it’s with me forever?

Sister Anne said...

HI, Luke. Thanks for your question.
Your Guardian Angel is a person (a created being with intelligence and free will, but in the case of Guardian Angels, their freedom is forever confirmed in goodness), so even though your Angel is a spirit, and will not abandon you to yourself, your angel will not and cannot "share" your soul or its own spiritual self with you any more than another person can. Only God, our Creator, knows our inmost being and lives in us that way.
It is much more important to develop your relationship with God than to focus on interior experiences that could be just our own brains, or could even be an unfriendly spirit trying to trick us into opening a door to their own mischief.
Your Guardian Angel will help you develop a relationship with Jesus, and will never, ever, ever cause you to focus on themself: their whole purpose is to lead us to God.
So for your own good, do not dwell on those unexplainable experiences. Run away from them! Pray to the Blessed Mother Mary and to your own good Angel to keep you safe, and do not let your natural curiosity lead you to focusing on things that are not important and could even be perilous.
God assigned your Guardian Angel to be your lifelong companion, but only God is to possess and share your heart.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, I enjoyed watching the shadow play and prayed with all my might,.. Blessings to you Sisters 🙏🌹

Anonymous said...

And yes, I have a very specific intention Dear Sister, I want to write you specifically, if possible, I hope your answer 🙏🌹👋

Sister Anne said...

If you write me a comment, it acts like an email to me. Just put "DO NOT PUBLISH" right at the beginning. You can even put your email address in it, although I recommend using blank spaces and brackets so it is not that obvious to a web-scraping bot that would be looking for spam victims.
That's the best I can offer right now.