Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Rest In Peace, Sister Mary Mark

 “The intensity, exuberance and effervescence of the early years of profession have long passed, but they have been replaced by a deep-seated joy and certainty that I am where God wants me to be.... More and more, I have learned to recognize my dependence on God, who has used whatever skills and knowledge I have acquired."

Two and a half weeks ago we celebrated community Jubilees. One sister marked 70 years of vowed life; one 60, and one 25. There was torrential rain that day, and the bishop who had been scheduled to celebrate the Mass called to cancel his appearance after his car hydroplaned. Thankfully, Father Harrison Ayre, working with our publishing house on a project for his upcoming new book, was up to the task. Sister Mary Louise, Sister Mary Mark, and Sister Tracey Matthia renewed their vows amid much rejoicing. 

Then this Saturday, before Mass, the community learned that Sister Mary Mark had passed away in the early hours of the morning. It was a shock to all of us, and an especially grievous suffering for her sibling, Sister Mary David (who had my novice formator). Sister Mary Mark would have celebrated her 80th birthday on September 14.

Sister Mary Mark was the first superior I had in a "small" community after being stationed in the large Staten Island community for my year and a half of vowed life. I had already worked with her in the Boston bookstore at Christmas time. (I was "on loan" from New York.) Later, when I was assigned to the editorial department, Sister Mary Mark was the director of our book publishing division. At the time, we were creating a new catechetical series. Although she was missioned to New Orleans for five years in between (she was there for Hurricane Katrina) and also served as Provincial Superior, she ended up spending maybe half of her life in editorial work. Her most recent project was the Saint Joseph Prayer Book

Here in the Boston community she was known for her quiet presence, her deadpan humor and her Super Bowl chili. 

This summer, Sister Mary Mark and Sister Mary David had the joy of celebrating the 60th jubilee and the ordination of their Jesuit nephew with family. On Friday, their nephew will be the homilist at Sister Mary Mark's funeral. We will try to keep it together as we sing that tear-jerker song again for the sake of the siblings, remembering Sister Mary Mark's beautiful testimony, from her jubilee reflection:

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