Friday, August 04, 2017

Coming Soon: a New NunBlog Feature

I process things in writing and still have a stack of old journals that I haven't been able to get rid of (despite having shredded up three garbage sacks' worth of journals when I packed up in Chicago!). Last week, I decided that having extra space on my shelves for books was worth more to me than hanging on to old notebooks, I started the process of pitching a stack of journals. I've been typing away, saving up anything I had bookmarked or underlined--from personal insights to quotes to entire passages from books I was reading--and the rest is going to the friendly neighborhood shredder.

I'll start with these...
Most of what I am keeping is for me, of course, but some of it is worth sharing. (You don't know how many earlier NunBlog posts or retreat talks already came out of my journaling!) So at the risk of oversharing, I will be offering a "Page from the Past" every other week here on NunBlog. I've regretted my infrequent posts since my stint in England, and this gives me a way to keep refreshing the content on the blog without getting overwhelmed. I hope that some of what will be appearing will be helpful to you. I can't be the only person facing some of these issues, or asking these questions!

I'm afraid that most of what I will be sharing are only the half-baked thoughts of an inconsistent disciple. Some are scraps that I jotted down, sometimes in the hope of developing them a bit more before sharing them. But since Bl. James Alberione once told the Daughters of St Paul, "the world is starving for the crumbs of what you know," I will offer these incomplete tidbits even knowing that they may reveal far more of my own brokenness than I really want out out there!

Your comments and sharing in response to the posts will also be very welcome. Look for "Pages from the Past" to begin in September.


Jackie said...

Awe sister Im sure your insights will be helpful. I have struggled with thinking im the only one thinking or feeling certain things but it is not true.

Anonymous said...

"the half baked thoughts of an inconsistent disciple"...doesn't that describe us all? But together as the body of Christ, supporting each other through prayer, sharing, somehow I'm sure we help each other along The Way. Looking forward to your offerings. Blessings to you Sister Anne - Jean