Thursday, June 07, 2018

Pages from the Past: Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!

Invitatory Psalm: Come, let us sing to the Lord and shout with joy to the rock who saves us. 

Tintoretto: Moses drawing water from the rock (Wiki Commons)
Just about every day, the Church begins prayer with Psalm 95 and this invitation.

This is exactly what the Lord is hinting that I should make the foundation of my whole attitude; this needs to be my default position, my typical status, my “return to zero” as it were. And the theme of “rock” struck me (!) in the book I am reading on the Psalms.

Jerusalem is the rock.
The Temple is the rock.
God is the rock. 
"They drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ" (1 Cor 10:4).

The same rock, and the same one that brought forth water in the desert and continued to do so as Jerusalem, where water from the Temple rock filled the pool of Siloam. Was it the same water Ezekiel saw mystically flowing from the "right side of the Temple," that symbol of the pierced Heart of Jesus, from which "blood and water flood, and an eye witness has testified...that you might believe"?

"Pages from the Past" are randomish excerpts from my old journals. I process things in writing, so there were a lot of volumes, but here and there I found notes that were still pertinent or helpful. I got rid of the books (hello, shredder!) and typed up the things I wanted to save, whether for myself (mostly) or to share. 

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