Saturday, March 01, 2014

like a little child

Immaculate Conception
St Josaphat Basilica, Milwaukee
On this First Saturday, it comes naturally to reflect on the Mass readings in a Marian key. I was especially struck by the Gospel--the one where people were bringing their children to Jesus, but the apostles disapproved. And Jesus made clear that if anyone were to come to him, it should be the children and the childlike: that is the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!

Clearly, then, Mary is the "first" of those who receive the Kingdom like a little child. This tells me that the "childlikeness" that allows us to receive and enter the Kingdom is a matter of receiving everything as a grace, as a gift, as unmerited, unearned, simply "added unto you." It is to inhabit a universe of grace, where nothing is earned, but all is bestowed. This is also the Trinitarian life: a universe of grace, where all of the Father's being is poured out in gift to the Son, who receives it whole and entire and pours it back. It is the life of the Kingdom!

Just days away from the start of Lent, I am going to take this as an invitation and an offer.


Unknown said...

I am so inspired by your Blog sister keep up the beautiful writings
God bless

Sister Anne said...

Thanks so much, Joanne! The liturgy sure is rich!