Saturday (the day after my return from New Orleans) I spent the whole day at a meeting for the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council. For me, the highlight was that Cardinal George was there all morning, answering questions and offering insights. Here is a sample, from a video he had recorded last week, right about the time of his first chemo treatment (Cardinal George recently underwent surgery to remove a tumor from his liver and is getting chemo for cancer cells found in his kidneys):
Sept 14 (Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross) there will be a bilingual Holy Hour and Eucharistic Procession following the 7 pm Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines. The special intention is for Cardinal George's health.
Sept 19: Choir practice begins at Our Lady of Mt Carmel! (Granted, this is on my calendar, not necessarily yours...)
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Last year's Muti concert at Millennium Park: standing room only! |
Sept 21, Ricardo Muti and the CSO at Millennium Park doing a free (did someone say free?) concert for the masses! You know I'll be there.
Sept. 26 the Lumen Christi Institute is offering a presentation on "Religious Freedom in America Today" by Richard Garnett (Associate Dean, Notre Dame Law School). This is not free (except for U of C students), so even though it is so near (155 N. Wacker Dr, at a law firm!), I won't be going. But it is worth mentioning. More info on the Lumen Christi website:
Sept 29: St Francis Day Pet Blessings at numerous churches, including Holy Name Cathedral.
Then, on the next page of the calendar:
Oct. 1: the rules for the High School Digital Disciples Video Contest will be made public. Here's a hint for those who want a head start: teen producers can submit a 2-minute video on the importance of Sunday Mass. Deadline for submissions is Jan 10. Details will follow.
Oct. 1: The Imagine Sisters movement suggests you offer a rose to a young woman you believe might be called to religious life. Telling someone they'd make a good nun may be just the spur they need to act on that "still, small voice" in their heart!
Oct 2 and 5: I am giving a social media workshop to the participants in the Hesburgh Sabbatical Program at CTU. No, you can't come (unless you're on sabbatical there), but you can always have me come out to your parish for a workshop or private tutoring!
Oct 5-7 Exploring Priesthood Weekend retreat (at Mundelein Seminary); pass that info on to a young man you think ought to consider the calling!
Oct 7-12 I will be at the Theology of the Body Institute course with Christopher West (and with Sr Tracey, from our New Orleans community!); not that this is in Chicago, I'm just excited about it.
Oct 13-14 Holy Name is having a Diaper Drive to provide disposable diapers for needy moms. The Cathedral also needs volunteers at each Mass to help collect the donated dideys.
The reasons for the Diaper Drive are pretty sobering:
- Diapers can add up to around $100/month
- Government subsidies like Food Stamps and WIC do not cover diapers.
- Parents will forgo food or bus fare for their jobs in order to afford diapers
- Babies are at risk of skin disease and hepatitis from wearing washed out/reused disposable diapers: some families are that desperate.
- Finally, clearly cloth diapers are not an option for families who do not have access to washing machines.
This drive is happening locally, but there is nothing stopping you from calling your own area pro-life centers to ask about organizing a diaper drive for them. You'll probably find them asking for all sizes of diapers: the centers provide for toddlers, too (not just new borns).
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