Friday, April 15, 2011

Roman Missal: What's new?

Even though the Roman Missal we will be getting in Advent is largely the same old, same old (but with a new translation), it is bringing some new things to the Eucharistic table. A quick list:

  • New names for some things... new to us, at any rate: Roman Missal (Sacramentary); Collect (Opening Prayer); Communion Chant (seems to be interchangeable with Antiphon)
  • New Saints since 1975 (St. Katharine Drexel, St. Pio, Bl. John XXIII, St. Josephine Bakhita...)
  • New Prefaces (the lengthy thanksgiving prayer that culminates in the "Holy, Holy, Holy")
  • New Masses (e.g. Vigil of Epiphany, Vigil of Ascension; new Masses in honor of BVM; Masses for special needs like times of war, of storm, of drought; Mass of Thanksgiving for the Gift of Human Life...)
  • "New" Prayers for every day of Lent (some of them date to the 600's); this is an old tradition being restored. The prayers come just before the final blessing.
  • Brand new Pentecost Vigil service, along the lines of the Easter Vigil (this is from Pope Benedict, just in 2008)
  • New Dismissals: The new options for the dismissal came as a fruit of the Synod on the Eucharist; Pope Benedict strongly recommended them in his document "Sacrament of Charity" (which was his summary of the Synod). The dismissals are so good, I'm going to do a separate post just on them!


Jeffrey Pinyan said...

What are some of the new Prefaces? Are these for votive Masses, or throughout the liturgical year?

Sister Anne said...

I don't have a list (or a complete copy of the full Missal text--just the parts on wikispooks), but I see that there is a new Preface for Martyrs. I suspect that most of the new Prefaces come as part of a full Mass package!

Jeffrey Pinyan said...

Ah, okay. I've got the leaked texts too (sigh), but I was feeling unusually liturgically lazy. ;) I'll just compare the 2010 text with the English Sacramentary I have at home.

I'm doing research for my third volume on the new Missal, a commentary on the Eucharistic Prayers (I-IV, Reconciliation, and Various Needs). I wonder if there'd be interest in a fourth volume on the prefaces... that's a lot of prayers, though!

ignorant redneck said...

Sister, to be frank, these don't sem like new names to me, they seem like the proper names for things that were re-labeled justfor the sake of relabeling them, and perhaps, changing their significance. Except for "Communion chant"--that does seem different.

perhaps that change is an attempt to improve the musical elements of the Holy Mass and to promote the use of more scripture based communal responses.

emeL said...

I think all the prefaces have been revisited, as the solemn blessings and the prayers over the people. I dont know how "new" they are but they are included in the new missal.

For the vigil of Pentecost, from what I understand the reading of the Old Testament options that are in our missals now (at least in the UK) are being encouraged.

These are the readings for the VIGIL: Gen 11:1-9; Ex 19:3-8.16-20; Ezek 37:1-14; Joel 3:1-5; Ps:103; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39. I am not 100% sure but I think the neocatechumenal communities already celebrate the vigil of Pentecost in this way — similar to the Easter Vigil.