Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Webinar on the Roman Missal

I am happy to share this information from Loyola Press! Next month (mark your calendar; set your iPhone, whatever you have to do) they will be offering a webinar on the changes in the Roman Missal.
Feb. 9 at 7:00 CST. Presenter Joe Paprocki is a terrific resource person for that. Go to the page and register right away!
I wish I could mark my calendar for it, but (alas) it is already marked: at that very hour, I am scheduled to be at St. Margaret Mary parish in Slidell, LA, giving a talk about Eucharistic Adoration. I sure hope Loyola will archive the webinar so I can catch it later!


LeeAnnD said...

I'd rather hear the talk on Eucharistic Adoration. Just sayin'. ;)

Lisa said...

I hope you will stream your talks, too! Or at least record them so you can edit and post them later. I am sure they will be blessings.

Sister Anne said...

Ask your parish adult faith coordinator to invite me, LeeAnn!

Unknown said...

Sr. Anne,

The Roman Missal presentation will also be given the night before on Feb 8th at 7pm.

Sister Anne said...

Thanks, Stephanie, that's great news! I just signed up!