Monday, August 23, 2010

Discernment and Vocation

We've just bid adieu to a group of women who spent the weekend here on a discernment retreat, so I suppose that made me more attentive to the links I discovered today through the Communio website. This fabulous journal of Catholic thought (co-founded by--ahem!--Joseph Ratzinger and Hans Urs von Balthasar) performs the invaluable service of making some of its most insightful material available in pdf format. So here is some spiritual reading for the week. Maybe even for the year:

Vocation (Hans Urs von Balthasar)

Of Spouses, the Real World, and the "Where" of Christian Marriage (David S. Crawford)

Priesthood: A Sacrament of the Father (Jose Granados)
The Evangelical Counsels and the Total Gift of Self (Jacques Servais)

Be sure to visit the Communio site and browse through the table of contents for each of their back issues for more essays on that same thoughtful level on a variety of key topics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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I'd really appreciate if you could get in touch with me.

Kind regards,