Friday, July 09, 2010

Filming Brother Al

The Alberione documentary got started (in a small way!) this week when Brother Al came down from the Detroit area for two days of interviews. Sr Helena took him to the Benedictine Monastery in Lisle, where the sisters put their guest house at her disposal. It provides a much more photogenic (and for the most part silent) background for filming than we have here downtown. Rob and his crew met them there and rearranged the furniture to create the ideal setting.

Then they just let Brother Al do his thing.
Meanwhile, back at the Michigan Avenue ranch, I prepared a nice "family dinner" for Brother Al and our Holy Family members (Bill and Madeline), and tried to get snippets of video of Brother Al at meals just talking about the Founder. That footage will come later!

1 comment:

Margie said...

Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to next takes and cuts, and of course the much awaited full-length documentary film on Primo Maestro Blessed James Alberione. Happy filming to cast and crew. Cheers...