Monday, April 05, 2010


Sr Kathryn was interviewed by the Witchita Catholic paper on our new iPhone apps apostolate:

In case you didn't notice it in the sidebar, our Marian chant album was released for the Feast of the Annunciation. Click on the album cover for info. You can order a CD or download the whole thing--or your favorite songs--on iTunes; this is the first time we released an album for download and for "hard copy" at the same time. No matter how you get it, be sure to add your review to the iTunes listing! This is one of the albums we recorded last August; during that time, fans joined our Facebook page by the hundreds every day. As of this weekend, there are more than 4,000!

The Vatican released hundreds of old documents on line this weekend (all in pdf format).
Vatican bulletins from 1865 to 1908
Vatican bulletins from 1909-2007 (Imagine: from Pius X to Benedict XVI!)
World War II bulletins (11 volumes worth)

It's the Easter Season, so it's time to replace the Angelus with the Regina Coeli (same times, morning,  noon and evening). Get in the habit of observing the Catholic "Call to Prayer"! It can change the world!

Plus, a question:
What's your favorite Easter Gospel?

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