Saturday, January 09, 2010

Saturday, TOB day

Where have I been? Under the weather and overwhelmed! (Well, maybe just a little of each.)
Today we had our usual Theology of the Body session. Only two Chicagoans came (besides the presenter), and half as many online participants as usual (representing three or four countries!), but the class was terrific. If you missed it (which is more than likely!), you really missed out. How to present Theology of the Body to young people. By a high school teacher who is a real TOB man. He covered things like an outline of the foundations kids need so they can grasp what the Church teaches; how this message needs to be taught not only by parents, but by at least two other "reinforcing" sources, like the pastor and school; how to talk about virginity in a culture where kids are ashamed of theirs.
Pat Reidy has done some recording with Tabor Life Institute, and (best of all!) he speaks fluent Spanish, so he can also share TOB with the Hispanic community (the future of the American Church).
Anyway, if you have time... Here is today's presentation. Maybe you can join us in real time for February, when (hopefully) we'll have Fr. Loya back.

1 comment:

Phil Steinacker said...


I wanted to save as a Favorite this posting so I can followup later about the Feb class.

However, there is no posting title to click on to create a seperate the post from the main page so I can save it.

Will you pleae e-mail me details on the next class taught by Fr Loya? Also, have you been posting videos of all previous classes offered by the current instructor?

If you would be so kind to please e-mail me a solution to the first problem and your response to my inquiry to I would appreciate it, Sister.

Thank you.

Phil Steinacker