Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here I Am (sort of)

We have really been on the road for these two weeks (except when things were "up in the air" to and from Cleveland). Last night we sang at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Alexandria. They have the most incredibly beautiful, yet highly contemporary Church I have ever seen. Sr Julia took a million pictures, to the pride and joy of the pastor. (I'm sure she'll post them on Facebook as soon as she finds a cable or adapter for the camera!) Many of our sisters' relatives were in the audience--as was my brother-in-law, who took an ample amount of photos (and a video) for my Mom. (Earning "good son-in-law" points for years to come.)
Before Alexandria, we were in Philadelphia, and before that, Cleveland, where the local bishop is our former motherhouse chaplain.
In all, a pretty packed week.
Today all we did was drive to Boston. Along the way, we took a rest stop at a fast food restaurant and picked up a little something. We were just picking up a few napkins when one of the kitchen staff appeared beside us, silently and quickly slipped a piece of paper in front of my hand and disappeared. The piece of receipt paper was headed "Prayer Needed" and included a brief list of names. Needless to say, we offered a special prayer together in the car; I will put the slip of paper in my prayerbook for a daily remembrance.
I thought of that mother in the Gospel who ran to Jesus for her daughter's healing, and of the woman with the hemhorrage who slipped through the crowd to touch his cloak. The way this woman moved so quickly to ask for spiritual help as soon as an opportunity appeared really impressed me. I think it impressed all of us with the pastoral importance of the religious habit. For this one woman, working behind the scenes in a fast-food place off of the highway, the habit seems to have stirred up her hope. I pray that God, who gave her the gift of faith, will himself answer her prayer of faith.

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