Saturday, July 25, 2009

Well, you missed it...

I had already noticed the sign on the 3rd floor washing machine: "This machine is very loud. Please do not use before 6:30 a.m." This morning, someone had it running (at 6:20!!!) and that thing was roaring like a jet plane on the runway. Hearing protection would have been advisable. It was so impressive, I planned to get video footage as proof. Of course, we had other priorities today.
Later in the afternoon, when I went to fill my water bottle at the 3rd floor cooler, I smelled smoke--that burnt-to-a-crisp smell that is unique to electric motors... uh-oh. I sniffed around like a confused bloodhound, but it wasn't the water cooler. Just then one of the nurses came by (the infirmary moved to 3rd floor so its regular home can be renovated).
"You wondering about the smoke?"
I nodded.
"The washing machine. We unplugged it."
You'll just have to take my word for it. That thing was loud!


Akalei said...

I remember seeing that sign when I was over there...
I didn't know it was that loud!
And I think (not sure because I didn't have my contacts on) I saw you on the third floor too. I think that was July 11th night...

Brian said...

Interesting reflection on a washing machine. Ours is older than the hills - one of these days, it's gonna blow up!

Gos bless...

Anonymous said...

My washer and dryer are stationed side by side. When the washer load is off balance, the machine wobbles its way into the dryer. What a cacaphony