Friday, June 19, 2009

Prayer to the Sacred Heart for the Year for Priests

Jesus, Divine Master and Shepherd,
We honor and bless your tender and merciful heart, the heart of a Good Shepherd. You live in the Pope, in the bishops, in your priests.

We appeal to your most Sacred Heart for our earthly shepherds. The harvest is always great, but the laborers are still very few. Give us holy priests who love your people as you love them: to the point of giving their lives. Bless their priestly labors.

Grant us the grace to take our part in the "priestly service of the Gospel" so that your Word will spread to the limits of the earth. And through the ministry of your faithful priests, may we be among your sheep when you return to call us home to the Father.


Blanca Estella said...

Sister Anne, this is a beautiful prayer, is it your writting?
It is great because it starts with GOD in Jesus, in the middle we have the priest, and it ends with us; the wayward sheep.
Thank you for providing such a good start for a year where we are all asked to help strengthen our Church through our leaders-the priest.And if that wasn't a lot of grace we can even get extra credit, with the indulgences that can be recieved if we take the effort to do it right! Again we thank GOD for your wise words.

Sister Anne said...

I adapted it from our Founder, so I can't take all the credit...