Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Last but not least...

I came in here to shut down my technology in view of an approaching thunderstorm (I'm loathe to take chances on electronics), and realized that I hadn't posted a word today (except on Twitter and FB). Over the weekend I read a wonderful article in Wired and also an old Wall Street Journal special section on the Kindle and electronic book readers in general and how they will change reading. The Wired article mentioned that books need to have an online component so that readers can engage the text with other readers and with the author, becoming participants in the "fuller text" that is being written by their collaboration--and which can also lead new readers to purchase the book. The Wired piece even mentioned one book that was deliberately written in its online version with seven collaborative authors! This is a wonderful thing. In fact, it kind of reminds me of Creation. God created the actual cosmos, and then handed it over to us, giving us jurisdiction over his work, letting us have a hand at directing the way his own creation would develop.
I'm kind of excited to begin doing something in this vein myself.

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