Thursday, May 14, 2009

Better late than...?

I'm writing this at an impossibly late hour. If it's less than coherent, you know why. My day was consumed in availability, so I have stayed up to make some progress on the talk I am to give Saturday morning. I know, I still have some time tomorrow. And I will definitely need it. Good thing today was the anniversary of my Confirmation! I am really needing those gifts of the Holy Spirit!
I didn't want to skip a post today, because today's Saint seems to always get short shrift. Even though he was added to the Apostles right there in the Upper Room as the new "12th" apostle, he doesn't get named with the others in the First Eucharistic Prayer, but is listed with the other after-the-fact Apostles and saints later on. He only gets one mention in the entire New Testament. Not St. Jude, but St. Matthias is the forgotten Apostle. And his feast day is not only my Confirmation anniversary, it's the birthday of my very first niece. Far be it from me to drop the ball on this holy man! (Especially when I need his intercession for the work of the apostolate!)
That said, I still admit that Paul and Barnabas (also after-the-fact Apostles) are my favorites.
Do you have a favorite Apostle? Who? Why?

1 comment:

Ruth Ann Pilney said...

Sister Anne,

I'm about to say Night Prayer. I'll pray to St. Matthias to intercede for your apostolic work.

I like the apostle John because he stood with Mary at the foot of the cross while the others went away. And we believe he cared for her later.