Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Still working on that prayer

See yesterday's invitation to contribute to a prayer through St. Paul's intercession for President Obama (and all those entrusted with government). I didn't get any nibbles on the blog, and only three responses through Twitter and Plurk!
We had community meetings all day yesterday and today--finally ended, and I'm on my way to Chapel (to pray, among other intentions, for our President and government officials!). Tomorrow can be a catch-up day--until choir practice, that is: we have Solemn High Choir Practice that will last longer than the Easter Vigil itself!

1 comment:

pgna said...

1 Thessalonians, 3: 9-13 Plea for growth in holiness

Colossians 3:5- 16 Renunciation of vices and the practice of virtues

2 Corinthians 4:4-7 unbelieving minds blinded by the present age