Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Let's see... Green/Brown? Girl/Boy? Think again. It was "Glass Break." As in, the alarm that went off at 3:45 this morning (which two of the sisters slept through without a clue!). The message on the alarm panel was "1st Fl Foyer GB." Not knowing what the situation was in the book center (that's the first floor), we waited for the police.
Then Sr. Irene noticed that there was a power-washing truck outside, with men hard at work scrubbing our gritty sidewalks (presumably in preparation for the visit of the International Olympic Committee's site inspection team). The pressure of the water had tripped our alarm. We were safe and secure.
And wide awake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a thrilling way to wake up! I had a similar incident here at OLG and I was alone in the building. A large work of art had fallen on the floor and set off the motion detector...we foound this out later...I had just been here a week or two and couldn't find the alarm box or my keys. One of our maintenance crew lived down the block and he came over just as the police arrived and vouched for me...my name wasn't on the list yet...Time to make coffee and read! Glad everyone was safe...
Have a quiet day...
Father Fred, CMF