Monday, November 17, 2008

Nigerian style scams on FB

I've gotten a few rather strange Facebook messages recently--presumably coming from friends, but with outside links to, let us call them "unhealthy" websites. Now there is a new variety: appeals from a friend outside the country, who desperately needs you to wire money directly to a certain bank account.
Makes me suspect that some of the fun applications on FB are really very, very creative Trojan Horses that allow the third party to make use of your profile name to hoodwink your whole list of friends.
So now I am going to go and uninstall all those applications.
No more pokes, gifts, plants...
And if you get a desperate money wiring request from me, well, now you know.
But donations are always appreciated!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That trojan horse use of facebook was not nearly as clever as the one which bore your willingness to accept donations. More power to you, sister