Thursday, October 23, 2008

Inner life

The first reading is a wonderful prayer St. Paul offers for us--and invites us to pray. It helped me recognize, with its reference to the "inner self," that I have been mighty superficial in that regard. I was also helped to this recognition by the fact that I am currently reading a wonderful book on Ignatian spirituality, sent to me by my friend at Loyola Press(eternally grateful, you know; keep 'em coming!). The book is a collection of essays, for the most part: extraordinarily well written pieces that I had not come across before. I'm grateful to the editor for putting them together in one volume!
Reading through, a few pages at a time, I was reminded that the essence of Ignatian spirituality--finding God in all things--is a fruit of mindfulness, and one of the things Ignatius invites us to be "mindful" of are the inner "movements" that flit through our heart as the day goes on. I had gotten to be much more focused on outward things--so distracted in looking for these that I lost the awareness that God, who lives in the "interior castle" of my being, is communicating from that throne all the time. His comuniques take a form that would seem to be just a mood or a reaction; it takes discernment to recognize which really are moods and which are messages! So that book is really coming to me at a good moment.
Ignatius' message and insight could do so much for us today--it is so easy to be drawn, led, "directed" by our immediate feelings, our untested values. Ignatius gives us a way to "test all things" and make the choice for the good.


Anonymous said...

I agree--it's just simply the Best for now. I also am reading it right now.
Blessing :).

Unknown said...

i'm looking forward to it too ... just perused Fleming's What is Ignatian Spirituality?

On a separate note, hoping you can help me with a question about vocation books for children ... here's the question:

Many thanks!

Sister Anne said...

Paulist Press put out a primary level book--actually, it's two books: one side is "What is a Nun?"; flip it over and it's "What is a Priest?" The nun side gives very simple depictions of aspects of religious life (a bit weak in the "community" department, but I guess the focus is on what "a" nun does!). Sisters are shown wearing a veil as well as in simple attire with a prominent cross.
We have one copy of this on our shelves right now, and I can't locate it on, so I couldn't say if it is available beyond that one copy. (Call soon!) I took a few pictures of it and will post them tomorrow, God willing, so you can see the level and the design.