Thursday, July 03, 2008

Doubting Thomas

Today is the feast day of no-longer-doubting Thomas. Interesting, isn't it, that he who refused the testimony of the other apostles that they had seen the Lord is traditionally considered the founding Apostle of India? Presumably, the people of that subcontinent accepted Thomas' testimony, "I have seen the Lord!" They walked by faith and not by sight, and still do.
Speaking of faith, I am reading an excellent presentation on the Catholic faith by George Weigel: "The Truth of Catholicism." It's not a new book, but it's my first chance to actually read it, and I am delighted with it. Weigel addressed the principal questions that people in our culture have when it comes to things Catholic, and he does it with panache. Is the Catholic Church condemning other religions or Christian communities with its claims? Is "doctrine" a "conservative" notion? Are Catholics the least free of all religious believers? Stuff like that. Weigel's book deserves a careful reading, something our culture doesn't seem to be too good at (one of the reasons the book needed to be written!).
I am also just finishing a fine book of Catholic spirituality: "Coming Home to Your True Self: Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions" by Albert Haase, OFM. I know, the title is pretty unappealing, but the book itself is well written, both solid and contemporary. I already have it lined up for a second read!
What is on your bookshelf for summer reading?


nate said...

I am wrapping up a similar book, "Catholicism and Fundamentalism," by Karl Keating. I am also trying to get through the major works of chesterton this far I've put "Orthodoxy," and "The everlasting Man" behind me.

I have wanted to read Weigel's work you mention for a while.

Anonymous said...

This summer I am reading "Archbishop Sheen's St. Therese - A Treasured Love Story". Since my return to the Church this past Lent, I have a longing to read only material which may bring me closer to the Truth and to be around holy people. Thanks for suggesting Weigel's book, and you have a nice blog.