Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You're bigger than that!

That seems to be the message of today's Gospel. Jesus is telling us to be magnanimous, to show our family resemblance as children of God. Far from measuring out every favor, God lets his rain fall on the just and the unjust. Rather than dole out our mercies, we ought to be prodigal with them. Maybe it is easier to interpret that "be perfect" in terms of flawlessness, a goal we can dismiss out of hand. Instead, Jesus tells us to be like God in open-heartedness: this is just as out of reach as flawlessness, but perhaps more doable. Either way, it is beyond us apart from grace.


Anonymous said...

"Magnanimity!" We don't use that word much these days and I think we need to revitalize it...I rememer the Christian Brothers at De La Salle in NO urging us to magnanimous men...and "nobless oblige" also...what great Christian characteristics...give me a person with a big heart over one with a small mind anyday...Bless you and the Daughters of St. Paul!
Father Fred, cmf

Anonymous said...

I have both a big heart and a small mind. Suggestions, harv61

Anonymous said...

Your mind is probably larger than you think...By small minded, I meant people who are so close minded that they cannot imagine anyone having a better idea...If you are a follower of Sister Anne's blog you are probably open to the Holy Spirit and alll the possibilities that implies. I was referring to mean spirited people who are single minded and selfish. I know some, very few, thank God, who are brilliant but small minded. I am terribly sorry if you were offended, that was not my intention!
Bless you for giving me a chance to explain myself better.
Peace and all good things...
Father Fred, cmf