Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Midnight Fright

Okay, it wasn't really midnight, but it was close enough to count. A high-pitched tone sounding across our fourth floor (our "dorm" area) meant that something or someone had tripped the burglar alarm. Yikes! I sprinted from my bed toward the alarm panel. "1st Fl Foyer GB" it informed us (three of us arrived simultaneously). "1st Fl Foyer" we understood, but GB? I called 911, and then answered the alarm company's call. The police were on their way. Who would go down with me? Sr. Laura shrunk back a little, so Sr. Helena stepped to the plate. But first she went to our Michigan Avenue window to see if there was anything going on in front of the book center. Nothing. Well, there was a crew doing a power-cleaning of the sidewalk, but other than that, people were walking by placidly...
Sure enough, it had been the powerful blast of water that shook the entranceway and set the alarm off. And no, it wouldn't count as a "false alarm" ($100 a pop for those). And yes, when Sr. Mary Thecla calls the city about dirty sidewalks, she gets action.
Maybe a little too much action!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We could certainly use the Mr. Clean prowess of Sr. Thecla in our neck of the woods. New Orleans.