Monday, May 19, 2008

Here at Pauline, we are praying for the conversion of the man who made his way into our convent and walked away with the proceeds of a bookfair. Talk about stress! That was Saturday, shortly after my St. Paul talk. On one level, a lot of things went wrong on Saturday: not only the theft, but also the recording of my talk--somehow the setting was changed on the recorder, and there was no pick-up from the microphone I had so carefully clipped on. Something else distressing happened, too, which I am glad not to remember. All in all it was one of those days for which today's Gospel prayer is just perfect (and I am using my rosary beads to repeat it over and over): Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!


Lisa said...

Oh my! What a day you had. I hope things are getting better.

liturgy said...

I'm sorry I cannot see an email address; and I see you have several sites:
I’m delighted to have fallen over this site.
Thanks for what you offer.
I run a site called Liturgy
with a strong monastic flavour
and increasing, significant focus on the Liturgy of the Hours
If you place these as links
please let me know so I acknowledge that and link back.


Anonymous said...

What a barrage of frightening and frustrating events you have experienced in such a brief period of time. Peace be with you. Repeat after me "Heal my Memory".