Wednesday, January 02, 2008

No apologies

The Archdiocese of Chicago is asking the question of apologetics. As in, "How should we defend the faith?" Not as in, "Oops, I'm sorry..." It's important to take the question literally: it's how to defend the faith itself, not how to defend people or personalities associated with the Church. If you're in Chicago, your reply needs to go to your rectory or deanery. But it's a good question for the comment box, too!
What are we "defending," when and why, when we "defend the faith"?


harv681 said...

I always thought of it as correcting misconceptions people have about the church. For example, I married into a family of Baptists. One small neice was worried for me. She though I was too nice of a person to go to hell for worshiping the pope!---harv681

Anonymous said...

I agree with harv about misconceptions which people have about the church, and those people are often ignorant catholics.I was was told by a catholic neighbor that so much of the sinning in today's society can be attributed to our having the sacrament of penance. The sinner is free to continue his evil deeds in the knowledge that a trip to the confessional will wipe the slate clean.