Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Litany

I thought it would be fun if together we could create a litany (a "list-prayer") of thankfulness, each line being a recognition of grace, followed by a common response. (My suggestion is "Your love is everlasting!")
I'll start; add your own contributions in the comment box, and we'll have a prayer we can use all year!

Thank you, God, for the beauty of creation: Your love is everlasting!
Thank you, God, for making us in your image: Your love is everlasting!
Thank you, God, for revealing yourself to us in so many ways: Your love is everlasting!
Thank you, God, for watching over me every day, counting the hairs of my head: Your love is everlasting!
Thank you, God, for each member of my family (whom I bring to mind, one by one): Your love is everlasting!


Cody said...

Thank you, God, for your supreme justice and mercy: Your love is everlasting!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, God, for forgiving our shortcomings; Your love is everlasting!

Ann Murray said...

Thank you, God, for our joys and sorrows, the hours of light and shade. Your love is everlasting!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being You, O God, for your love is everlasting!

Carol said...

Thank You God for a wonderful life! Your love is everlasting!

Lisa said...

Thank you, God, for health and the gift of good friends: Your love is everlasting!

Thank you, God, for the gift of those who this year closed their eyes to this life and opened their eyes to eternal life in you: Your love is everlasting!