Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What does the Bible say?

An interesting article in the WSJ explains, a bit, why some (but only some) evangelical groups are so indifferent to environmental issues: according to Rev. Frank Brown of Bellmead First Baptist Church in Waco, TX, God is "sovereign over his creation" to such a degree that no human interference will affect his timing in terms of this world.
Such are the effects of nominalism. As Catholics, we recognize that God gave us considerable influence over his creation: Adam was put in the Garden to "till and keep it." God left his cosmos in our hands for real: he did not just put us here to tinker around like children in a sandbox. Our choices, our stewardship, have a moral dimension: we can affect God's original designs. Look at original sin!
There are still many who would downplay the impact of human technology on the environment. That is really not the point. Even if there is only a chance that our unbridled industry is harming the earth, we have a responsibility to diminish that possible impact. This is the approach the Vatican is taking, and it is reflected in a number of Papal discourses over the past twenty and more years. Of course, if God just gave us the earth as a sandbox, to build castles in that his coming will kick over anyway, what does it matter what we do with it?
There is such a thing as attributing "too much" to God's sovereignty--and that is what happens when we diminish the real value of human work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have only to turn to Genesis and read the words "By the sweat of your face shall you get bread to eat until you return to the ground from which you were taken....." sounds suspiciously like work to me. spqr