Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today was a day for prayer. As we prayed for the dead, I couldn't help but pray for the souls of the terrorists. How deceived they were to think that God's Kingdom (in any form) could be established by means of destruction! Sadly, it is a pretty easy deception to fall into. I figure that if we pray for their eternal rest, presuming that their ignorance and depths of self-deception were also their salvation, they could become intercessors for peace. As the Bible asks, "Is anything to wonderful for God to do?"


Anonymous said...

Is this a spin off from the Bible, sort of like making friends with the mammon of iniquity. Just musing. anon

Anonymous said...

Is this a spin off from the Bible, sort of like making friends with the mammon of iniquity. Just musing.

Anonymous said...

I guess that comment was worth repeating.

Anonymous said...

I think the terrorists had a seriously rude awakening upon facing the Lord in person. They were expecting "Well done, good and faithful servant!" and what they probably got was, "Hey! I didn't tell you to kill anyone!"