Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Today's liturgy has a wonderful combination of readings. The first reading is the story of the Burning Bush: God's self-revelation to the most unlikely person, Moses, a banished adopted Egyptian Hebrew shepherd in the desert. Then the responsorial psalm (Psalm 103): the Lord is kind and merciful. (These will be the words with which God will later fully reveal himself to Moses, after the Exodus, but on the same mountain of revelation.) And the Gospel? "Blessed are you, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, for what you have hidden from the wise and learned, you have revealed to the lowly!"
After reading these, I found another line of Scripture running through my mind:
Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.

1 comment:


Your meditations are thoughtful and beautiful. I'd like to include your blog in "Blogs I Read" on my site:

Thanks again Sister (is that proprer?) for your lovely comments and commentary.