Saturday, July 21, 2007


Though I wasn't there for it(not the partying type), there was a Harry Potter party in the French Quarter last night. According to this morning's paper, a few blocks of the Quarter were turned into a Diagon Alley for the book launch. One of my oldest friends went to Border's for the event. (She works in the French Quarter, so there was no real draw there for her!) This friend of mine takes fantasy seriously. Very seriously. She has probably finished the book by now. My sister Mary ordered two copies, since her teenaged daughter wasn't too keen on sharing with her mother. And Mary said I can have it after she finishes. Which may be...tomorrow, if I know my sister!
I've really enjoyed the Harry Potter series, even though many serious minded people tend to think the worst of the world of Hogwarts and all that. There just doesn't seem to be anything in that magical world that supports all the fear, though. Magic is simply the "technology" of that fictional world. But I suppose it is right to have a healthy fear for what we can do with technology, whether in fact or in fiction.
Any thoughts?
Has anybody out there finished the book yet? (NO SPOILERS!)


dr. nic said...

I just finished the book five minutes ago. Good book. That's all I'll say. My husband's just starting it now. No spoilers from me. Enjoy it.

harv681 said...

Terrific read-- it was delivered to my door Saturday afternoon and I finished it Sunday morning, as did Meaghan who could not put it down and stayed up ALL NIGHT! It could not have been better written!