I was running errands this afternoon and combined that with my need to get to Lakeview for choir practice. Since there wasn't enough time to return to the convent in between, I did us all a favor by filling up the gas tank.

At least, I think I did us a favor. At $3.79 a gallon for regular, I'm not sure. But as I approached Mt. Carmel Church for choir, I saw that I really had done the right thing. The BP station on Belmont had premium for $4.16.
here in miami it's still under $3.5 (at least till yeasterday)
We are rediscovering the pleasures of walking-hehehe!
Maybe i'ts a good time to sing: Ven con nosotros a caminar, Santa Maria Ven! (come with us to walk, Holy Mary come!
I remember in the late 70's when gasoline rose to a "ridiculous" $0.75 per gallon, I parked my car and rode my bike everywhere in protest. Now I feel lucky to find gas for $3.25. I think it is time to get back into riding shape...
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