Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Yet another anniversary!

Okay, this is a little bitty anniversary, but the feast of St. Rose of Lima reminded me that it was eight years ago today that I left the US for Rome, to take the course on our Founder and to work at the Vatican for the Jubilee Year.
Tomorrow I leave Boston again, this time to return to New Orleans to continue unpacking Mom and Dad's boxes from storage and find somewhere for their contents in the newly de-flooded home. Angels on wings for the trip--and for Sr. Margaret Timothy and Sr. Kim (novice) who are heading to Honolulu tomorrow, and for another novice (Sr. Karen) who will be going to her homeland (Singapore) for two and a half months of apostolate experience.


Lisa said...

Yes, angel wings and Spirit wings watch over all! May all the travels be blessed and grace-filled!! Special blessings for those who will be in New Orleans these coming days. And special graces on the novices' apostolate and mission experiences!!

Anonymous said...

When I was at the convent a couple of weeks ago...I was talking to Sr. Kim, she seems SO excited about her apostalic experience in Honolulu!!!! Tell everyone I said Hi!!! :-)
Blessings and prayers for all of you flying tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!! An apostolic experience in Hawaii! That's definitely a long way. God's blessings for the novices and pray their good experiences will be stepping stones to their profession and life as Daughters of St. Paul.
May God watch over all of you who are travelling!! Have a great trip!