Saturday, August 19, 2006

91 years

Tomorrow the feast of St. Bernard won't be celebrated, but the Pauline Family will still celebrate "the feast of St. Bernard" as its 91st anniversary of foundation.  Fr. Alberione started with two little boys who were the first students of the "Little Worker Printing School." The name was deliberately ambiguous. It kept the future Society of St. Paul under the radar, since it looked like any number of charitable organizations giving poor boys a trade, and not like a fledgling religious congregation. Less than a year later, young women would join "St. Paul." The start of WWI only added to what was already a challenging situation of poverty, but Alberione always believed that the works of God have to begin "from Bethlehem."

1 comment:

Lisa said...

All these years of knowing the Daughters of Saint Paul and did not recall that August 20th is the anniversary of the SSP founding. In these recent years, I continue to grow more and more aware of the spiritual connections between Fr. Alberione and Blssed Pauline von Mallinckrodt, their spiritualities and love for the Eucharist being prime.