Thursday, April 20, 2006

Random Meme

My friend Karen "tagged" me with a meme--six random things about me...
  • I'm a Halloween baby.
  • When I was a teenager (okay, I admit it, I did this as a nun, too), I would sometimes use the phone dial tone as a kind of pedal point and sing melodies around it.
  • If I had a different chromosomal makeup, my community initials would be "SJ" (but you probably knew that already).*
  • Bach's Brandenburg Concerto #3 (in G m) was the piece of classical music that first captured me. 
Two to go...
  • My desk, office, room and space in the community room are usually a pitiful mess.
  • I have the misfortune of being a "shy extrovert." (Maybe you knew that, too.)
Okay, that's six.
So I tag Sr. Lorraine, Lisa, Lauren--I don't know too many more people to tag!
* The highest backhanded compliment I ever received was from a spiritual director in Boston who told me, "It's a good thing you're a woman, because if you were a man you'd be a Jesuit and I'd hate you!"


Lisa said...

I see I've been tagged -- my reply is posted on my blog.

Sixtina87 said...


Karen said...

Hey, I'm a "shy extrovert" too! I've just never had a term for it. When I tell people I'm an introvert, they laugh.

The phone thing -- you may be the only one on the planet.

You always have that "SJ" in my mind. And from me, that's a compliment.

Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve said...

I just saw this so I did it now.